Okay, so I know that I’m a little late to the party with my “farewell to 2016” posts, but I seriously can’t help myself! I’ve spent the past few days seeing endless “favorite moments” posts for the year/year in reviews, and it got me thinking about all the exciting things that have happened this past year. It’s definitely been a year of growing up & learning more about myself, but I do think that I’ve had a lot of experiences this past year that have shaped me as a person.
Kicked off the year with a trip to Oklahoma.
Started my blog.
I know I’ve mentioned this so many times, but I truly cannot even begin to express how much I love blogging. I’ve thought about starting a Youtube channel for style for years and years (I’m proud to admit I watched makeup & fashion videos on Youtube years and years ago- before it was cool.) But for some reason, I could never bring myself to do it- mainly because I was embarrassed, let’s be honest. But I’m seriously so incredibly happy I decided to just bite the bullet and start my website. It’s blossomed into such an amazing creative outlet for me, and it’s been so much fun watching it grow. Looking forward to everything 2017 has to bring for Styled by Summer!!
Visited New York City for the second time with my best friend.
Two weeks before spring break, my friend Melody sent me a text asking if there was any way I would want to take a trip to NYC with her for spring break & stay with her brother in the Big Apple. Two weeks later we found ourselves on a plane to New York! It was my first time really ever taking a trip without my family, and it was an incredible experience. We wandered the city for 4 days- the majority of it was spent eating our hearts out at Insta-worthy places. We love you, New York!
Took a trip to Mexico.
Definitely one of my absolute favorite moments of the year! My boyfriend Akash and I spent an amazing 5 days in Mexico,
Turned 20.
I turned 20 this year! Can’t wait to see what else is in store this decade of my life.
Visited Chicago with my mom.
This girls’ trip with my momma goes down in the books as one of my all time favorite trips! It was so nice to take a trip with just the two of us & explore the city with no itineraries- just me, my mama, and the windy city! Chicago was so good to us, & we got to see and do so many cool things in the city. I’m hoping to do a lot more traveling in this next year.
Saw my baby brother get his driver’s license.
Such a sweet moment- the day my brother got his license, I had to go to work after going with him to the DPS. When I got home from work, my baby brother took me to a restaurant to treat me for dinner & thank me for all the rides I’ve given him. I’ve realized that the older I get, the more I appreciate him (and the more patience I have for him.) I love you, little brother! I can’t wait to see what you accomplish in the next few years 🙂
Started my junior year of college.
I can’t believe I graduate in less than a year… *cries* Safe to say I’m definitely enjoying the time I have left at Texas A&M.
Celebrated our first anniversary.
It’s crazy to think that Akash and I have known each other since middle school & have been best friends for going on 4 years now. So lucky to call this hunk mine 🙂
Earned my Aggie Ring!
I have a whole blog post on this special special day! For sure one of my favorite days of my life so far. Now I have this little piece of Aggie gold to call mine forever & ever.
Visited Oklahoma with my boyfriend’s family.
Ended the year with a full circle back in Oklahoma at Akash’s dad’s cabins in Broken Bow! Hopefully this will continue as an annual trip- we’ve had so much fun the past two times we’ve visited!
This year’s definitely been full of ups and downs (some really low downs) but I’m happy to say we’ve all made it out alive. I’m excited to start this new chapter- so many daunting but exciting things are coming up in this past year. 2016 took me to New York City, Broken Bow, Chicago, Austin, Mexico, Houston, and Waco- one of my biggest goals for the next year is to do a ton of traveling. Whether that means international or just in Texas cities, I’m hoping 2017 will bring me lots of new adventures & great memories. Happy (belated) new year, you guys!! Here’s to an amazing 2017.