And just like that, another year has flown by! Every year, I sit down and write new year’s resolutions, but probably like some of you, they’re forgotten by January 7th. I’m a big believer in new beginnings, and starting off the year on the right foot, even if that may be unrealistic. That said, this year, rather than setting new year’s resolutions, I’m starting the year with a few intentions that will help put me in the right mindset to kick off the year. Not only am I sharing my intention, I’m also sharing my game plan to make it happen!
What better way to jump back into blogging than to share my intentions for the new year, right? I’d love to hear y’all’s intentions too- let’s all make 2019 the best year yet together!
So if you’ve followed me throughout the past year, you’ll know that it was a year full of changes and new experiences. 2018 was all about starting a new journey, and getting on my own two feet. With this year coming up, my new focus is going to be on branching out and creating a home. Not in the literal sense, but I want to explore Los Angeles like I haven’t yet. I’ve lived in LA for 8 months now, and still am getting my feet wet. This coming year, I hope to meet new people in my new home, and get a better grasp on the area- places to eat, play, and shop! I’ll be sure to document all of this, so y’all can look forward to lots of new LA content. 🙂
Something that has been an intention of mine for the past few months and that will be following me into the new year, is more organization when it comes to my blog and my brand. I’ve been blogging for coming up on 4 years now, but I’ve essentially been running this little business of mine the same way for all of those years. Whether it’s planning my content calendar or deciding what sponsorships to take on, I want to lead it all with more strategy and more thoughtfulness.
Learn (as much as I can) how to adult. As I’ve said, in the past year I’ve learned a lot about ‘adulting.’ How to pay bills, apartment hunting, workplace policies, personal finances, etc. However, there are still so many things I have left to learn, that are so important. In the next year, I want to get a grip on these items and more- the list seems to be never-ending!
Put my plans on paper, and make it happen. There are a bunch of projects I haven’t shared with y’all yet that I want to start putting into action. I have so many ideas I’ve wanted to start, but have put it off and procrastinated, making excuses like ‘work is too busy’ or ‘I’m juggling too much.’ On second thought, oftentimes even when I am busy, I still make time to relax and enjoy the things I love. If it’s a priority, I can make it happen. My game plan to do so is to write out a game plan for the next few months, of the projects I want to implement. Hopefully with that, I’ll be able to try some new things and finally make them come true!