Hi everyone! I hope you’re all having an awesome start to February! This month I don’t have too much going on- it’s after all the holidays have died down, school’s started back up, and there’s not a ton to look forward to. Months like these can sometimes put me into a rut, and it makes me feel sluggish and unmotivated- I almost feel like there’s nothing to look forward to in the near future. Especially when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, this is always the time that everything flatlines for me. I’m sure there’s no way I’m the only one who feels this way (unless I really am… then shame on me.) After a while, though, I’ve figured out a few ways to try to overcome it, and I wanted to share these tips with you in case any of you are going through a rough patch!
1.) Remember why you started.
This one’s a hard one for me! Especially when it comes to diets and workout plans, I always start to plateau around 3 weeks to a month in. It’s helped me a lot to think about why I started in the first place. Maybe you’re trying to get in shape for a vacation coming up, or working on a long term project. If you remember why you started, you’ll remember why you wanted to do it in the first place, which will hopefully motivate you to get back into it!
2.) Take a breather.
I don’t know about y’all, but sometimes all I need is just a day off to do something fun. There have been SO many times where I have big exams coming up that I’ve been studying and studying and studying for- but then I get burnt out. That’s when Akash and I decide, “Okay, if I sit here and try to tough it out, that’s not going to do me any good.” At that point, you might as well get some fresh air- go on an adventure for a day, take a walk, go to that new restaurant you’ve been meaning to try! Sometimes all you need is just a little fresh air. 🙂
3.) Find a new hobby.
Or spend some time doing something you already enjoy! For me, starting my blog became this incredible outlet where I could channel all of my creative energy. I definitely look at it as a passion of mine, and when I blog I think of it as getting to do the “fun stuff.” Figure out what that may be for you- exercising, reading a book, even knitting! If you’re having trouble with getting up in the morning and looking forward to something everyday, try finding a hobby that will make you excited to get up and start the day.
4.) Surround yourself with people who bring you up.
Something that’s been hard for me to learn (and that I’m still in the process of learning) is surrounding myself with people who are driven, and only pull me up. I’ve had my fair share of bad friends- ask my mom, she’ll tell you all about it- to know that when you surround yourself with kind-hearted people, it really makes a difference in the way you see yourself. Find people who will motivate you, encourage you, and support you.
Last but not least,
5.) Go on Pinterest & find some motivating quotes. Then write them on some sticky notes and put them around your house!
This seriously works. When I was a junior in high school & studying for the SAT, learning the vocabulary words was one of the hardest parts for me. Insert this tip. After writing the definitions on places around my house, I’m not kidding, I learned them all within a week. I know this example’s a little silly, but it really works! My favorite is putting one up on my mirror to wake up to each day. It may seem goofy, but try it out! It’s worked for me, and I’m sure it can work for some of you. 🙂
I hope you guys enjoyed hearing my tips for staying motivated! This time of year can be kind of “bleh” for a lot of people, so know you’re not alone! Wishing everyone an awesome rest of your week, and I’ll see you all on Friday!