It has been a while…. The past few weeks I have been preparing for the move, moving, then recovering from the move. Which means I have had barely any time to catch up with y’all! I’m terrible, I know- every time things get a bit crazy I totally forget to write! I’ll do better, though, I promise. Moving to LA has just been pretty crazy so far!
Although I announced my move last Monday, last Monday was actually the day I officially flew over to Los Angeles. I’ve had so many questions about how it went, how LA is, etc., so I wanted to write up a post sharing my thoughts and how the past week in LA ha been. Buckle up, it’s going to be a long one!
So where to begin… I guess I’ll start with some background info. Moving to LA has been something I’ve wanted for a while now. I was so incredibly excited to make the move, and I’m extremely happy to be here. The weather is beautiful, there’s always something going on, and I’m doing a job I enjoy. This past week has been filled with apartment setup-type chores and errands, so I haven’t had many chances to get out and explore outside of my bubble just yet. Exploring LA is something I’m super excited to do in the coming weeks!
As wonderful as LA has been so far, let’s get into the tough stuff. Moving away from home (basically for the second time) has been one of the hardest things. Since I have so many ties to Dallas, moving halfway across the country has been a hard adjustment, and it’s only been a week. I moved here knowing literally only 2 people, when back home I had friends, family, and my boyfriend. Homesickness is SO real. With all that said, it’s only been a week and it has been such an adventure getting to walk around my new neighborhood & meeting new people that will hopefully become my community soon enough.
There is something very refreshing about getting a brand new, clean slate. Fresh beginnings all around! It’s a chance for me to reinvent myself, as cheesy as that may sound.
First impressions of LA: Everyone is gorgeous. It’s ridiculous. Coming from Dallas, where everyone’s pretty much always casual, it’s very weird to see people at the grocery store wearing designer from head to toe. You think they look casual, but when you look closely all of their athleisure is even designer. It’s crazy. Everyone that I see at cafes and coffee shops look like Barbie and Ken dolls.
The traffic sucks major booty. It takes about 20 minutes to go a mile.. no joke. Everything is also insanely expensive, unfortunately.
Last but not least, a quick update on the apartment! I signed on a studio apartment in West Hollywood, and so far all is well. I’ve been enjoying home-decor shopping, but I’ve been trying to take it slow. This is the first time I’ve had an apartment that’s completely my own, so I want to get it just right! Picking out the perfect additions has been a little tricky, but so fun. Stay tuned for some new apartment updates coming soon!
Since I am living alone, however, I have since stopped listening to serial killer/horror podcasts. Any guesses why?
All in all, it’s been a pretty crazy week, full of some really high highs and low lows. But, I am so excited to start my journey here. Wish me luck!
LOVE THIS POST! I commend you for stepping out of your comfort zone and moving somewhere you don’t know anyone. There’s nothing quite like a girl who isn’t afraid to take on the world. I’m visiting LA this summer, maybe we can meet up for some coffee.
Hi Braylea,
I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to see this! Thank you for your sweet encouraging words, and for reading along! It means so much to me, you have no idea. Would most definitely love to meet up for coffee!
xo summer
I am loving these LA updates! As usual, your sense of humor shines through, even though I know you’re experiencing some homesickness. You cracked me up with your comment about traffic sucking “major booty.” LOL I’m still laughing! Your apartment sounds like it will be adorable and I can’t wait to see how you style it. Also, I just want to say that I love this outfit on you! You look so chic and like you just threw it together on a whim, which you probably did. It would take me hours of agony coming up with a cute look like this. haha Have a great weekend! I’m sure you have something fun planned! 🙂
Erin, you are always the kindest! You’ll have to come visit LA sometime, so we can finally meet in person! xo