Being that it’s now November (CRAZY, I know) the most dreaded time of every college student’s semester is approaching- finals week. We’re only a month out…yikes
Earlier this week I was writing everything out in my planner for the upcoming month, and I realized Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away! I personally love Thanksgiving- it’s a long enough break to recollect and refresh, but not so long as to where I start getting sick of being at home (sorry Mom & Dad.) But with the Thanksgiving holiday also comes a lot of hectic events all happening at once. Our last round of exams, then what seems like 30,000 Thanksgiving meals, dead week, finals week, moving home, then the craziness of Christmastime. With realizing all of this, I’ve come to really appreciate this time I have to prepare myself for what’s to come.
I definitely won’t be able to scout out cute coffee shops to visit & blog at once the rest all rolls around, so I’m definitely enjoying it while I can.
On one hand I feel as if recently I haven’t had anything truly exciting to look forward to, but on the other hand in retrospect there are a lot of excitement-worthy events coming up! It’s all about perspective, right? I’m one of those people who enjoy having things to look forward to, almost like benchmarks that I hop to and from. I’ve been somewhat bummed out recently because of the lack of said benchmarks, but I’ve learned to appreciate even the small things.
I’m beyond excited for Christmas break, and to be able to spend some quality time with my family back at home (and see my dog, of course!) & have a month just to relax from this semester. Plus, all the good shopping’s at home in Dallas, and boy have I missed it!!
Anyway, I guess the point behind this post is to serve as a reminder to enjoy the little things in life, because sometimes it can be tiring to continuously be waiting for what’s to come. Hope all of you are enjoying this little break in between exam weeks that we so rarely get to take advantage of. 🙂