Let’s chat, shall we? Ah, where to start! I’m excited to be back in the swing of writing again – it’s something that I’ve missed dearly, and am still trying to figure out how to find the time for it. I’m currently sitting on my couch in the living room, with a pretty view of our little apartment sized Christmas tree and a Marshmallow Fireside candle glowing. It hit under 65 degrees in LA today and by the way everyone’s reacting you’d think there was a snowstorm outside, LOL. It does feel really great to have a cooler day though. As much as I love the sunshine, I’ve come to realize that you don’t truly appreciate something until you don’t have it anymore. An interesting thought, right? I know right now I’m just talking about weather, but I feel like this could apply to so many different topics.
Anyway, I guess maybe a good place to start is to give a little life update. This coming week, I’m heading back home to Dallas for the Thanksgiving holiday, which I’m excited about. Being in LA’s been a lot of fun the last few months, but I’m excited for a good dose of home. The holidays are always fun at my house, and I’m looking forward to being with my family. That said though, I’m definitely not looking forward to the cold that awaits me in Texas.
I think I mentioned this a little while ago, but I’ve been trying to get more in the rhythm when it comes to exercise. Lately I’ve been obsessed with Class Pass, trying out any class whenever I get the chance. My recent fave has been hot power yoga at Y7 Studio here in LA. The studio has a very LA vibe, but I dig it. Plus they have hip hop themed nights and who doesn’t love that?
What else is new? I don’t really have any upcoming travel, so that’s been good. Since I traveled so much this summer, I’ve been really excited to chill out the last month and just enjoy being a homebody in LA. Actually scratch that – I haven’t been that much of a homebody, really. In fact, quite the opposite. Last week I hosted a party for one of my good friends, and it seems like every weekend we’re running around doing something. But like I said, it makes the times at home just that much sweeter! We recently (as in a few months ago) redecorated the apartment, and it’s really starting to feel like a home. I’ve been loving having people over! We’ve hosted countless game nights, Bachelor Mondays, and we have Friendsgiving coming up this week which will be fun too.
Anyway, that’s enough for today’s random rambles. If y’all have any thoughts or highlights you’d like to share, please do! I always love hearing about what’s going on with you. In case I don’t have a post up by Thanksgiving, I hope you all have the best holiday with your friends and family! Eat lots of turkey and say lots of thanks. 😉 Muah!