It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these! The past few months on my blog has been just fashion, fashion, fashion, so today I wanted to get a little more personal with y’all- a coffee date, if you will! π A lot has happened in the past few months, so I’m excited just to sit down and talk to you guys, girl to girl (or guy!) on a more casual, ramble-y level. I’ve always loved creative writing, which is one of my favorite parts about blogging, and I’ve definitely missed it in the swarm of fashion & beauty content on here! So grab a cup of coffee & a snack, today’s going to be a fun one!
Let’s start with a little life update- this semester’s definitely been an adventure, and I can’t even begin to wrap my head around the fact that I’ll be graduating from Texas A&M in just a few months. I feel like I just got here, and it’s already almost time to leave. This semester’s been a more calm one than others in some aspects, but also a crazy one in others. My school load’s been super doable this semester, but as my blog’s begun to pick up, it’s been crazy hard to keep up. Some days I find myself so stressed out about little things, because I want everything that I publish on my blog to be absolutely perfect. But more on this later- I said I would do a little life update first! (Side note: prepare for this post to be all over the place- that’s how my thoughts run! So all you Type A peeps- sorry for the rambling!) My semester officially ends in a little over a month, which is crazy- this semester feels like it just started! This summer I’ll be taking a class at my community college back home to ease up my last semester’s course load. On top of that, I found out a week ago that I’ll received the opportunity to intern with Fossil this summer back in Dallas, so I’m super pumped about that! I’ll be working with them as a Marketing Intern, so be prepared for looks with new watches this summer π As excited as I am to start this journey, I’m also pretty terrified! I interned with Target last summer, and it was definitely a learning experience, so I’m anxious/nervous/excited/scared/super pumped to take on this internship. I’m hoping to learn a lot this summer & I’m so excited to get started, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. All prayers appreciated!
In other news, I signed a lease to live with my sweet friend Haley for next semester, and boy am I excited!! Although it’s only going to be for a short 5 months, I have a really good feeling about this coming semester. It’s definitely going to be bittersweet, but I’m ready to finish off my 3.5 years at A&M with a bang! People say all the time that the people you meet freshman year are going to be your friends for all of college, but I’ve definitely met some of my closest friends during my junior year. So for all of you guys in your freshman year of college who have maybe struggled with making friends, don’t worry- there’s plenty of time! By the way, I’ve been thinking about maybe writing a blog post or two on college advice, and my experience being in college (picking a roommate/roommate problems, finding a balance, being away from home, etc.) – if any of y’all would be interested in reading those, definitely let me know! I know a lot of you are in college or about to be, so I would definitely be willing to do some advice posts if y’all want to read it.
As far as blog news goes, I’ve found that the more time I dedicate, the more I fall in love with this world of blogging. It’s still so insane to me that I’ve begun to build a community here with all of you- a lot of people may think that we’re just a bunch of girls giggling over some cute new shoes or a pretty shade of lipstick, but it’s so much more than that. Reading your comments always puts me in the best mood, and I’m excited to be growing our little community here & welcoming in new faces. As much as I love blogging, though, there are always downsides to everything. Since I am a relatively new & small blogger, the blog-timidation is real. After hours and hours of perfecting my site to exactly what I like & what I think looks great, oftentimes I read other bloggers’ sites and feel so little. I’m not hoping to become the next big blogger with millions of followers, but trying to grow a network is hard work, y’all! Sometimes I find myself so caught up in the numbers that I stress myself out and momentarily forget the whole reason that I’m doing this is for me, myself, and I. I have to stop and force myself to realize that yes, the blogging industry is huge, but when compared to genuine connections & being able to share the thing I love- fashion- with other girls out there just like me, follower count is so miniscule.
I find that a lot of times since I started blogging, it’s hard for me to realize that my phone is glued to my hand basically 24/7, and I can’t go anywhere with my boyfriend, family, or friends without updating my Instagram story or Snapchat. I’m always trying to think of cute new Insta pictures I can take, what clothes would look good with the wall color of the restaurant I’m going to, what items to order based on what would look “aesthetically pleasing,” …the list goes on and on. And let me tell y’all- I have no idea how some girls do it, but I am on the struggle bus when it comes to flat lays & taking the perfect artsy-fartsy picture. I sincerely hope that there are other people out there who feel the same way, because sometimes I drive myself crazy with trying to portray the perfect life. But sometimes life isn’t perfect. It’s taken me a long, long time to realize that when you see other influencers posts on social media, you’re merely looking through a tiny lens that shows you all of the things that are “post-worthy.” God did not intend for life to be perfect, and therefore, it isn’t. I’ve finally learned that I need to learn how to unplug, and cherish who I’m with & just enjoy their company. This is definitely something I’m working on, so we’ll see how it goes!
On a lighter note… Last week, I started working out + eating (semi) clean again! It’s been fun (surprisingly) getting back in the gym and focusing on putting things in my body that help it, not hold it back. I bought Karena & Katrina from Tone it Up’s 28 day plan book, so I’m planning on starting that April 1st- if anyone wants to join me, please do!! I’ve been updating my Insta stories with things I’m eating + my workouts, and it’s been fun getting messages from y’all about your journeys in getting fit + active. I’ve really been enjoying listening to audiobooks during my workouts, along with listening to different messages on The Porch app. The Porch is the college ministry at Watermark Church in Dallas, and their app has a ton of recorded messages that you can watch or listen to. If you’ve never heard of it, download the app! Each of their messages are about an hour long, so I’ll run on the track or hop on the stair-stepper, and the hour goes by so fast.
I definitely didn’t realize how long this post had gotten! I hope that y’all had fun reading today’s post, I definitely had a lot of fun talking with all of you. It’s always fun catching up with y’all, and I can’t wait to read each and every one of your comments! π If this is something y’all would like to see more often, let me know & I’d be happy to make these a series. Thanks so much for stopping by, kisses from College Station!! xoxo
Summer, this post is everything to me. I love your blog and I love what you’re doing with it. I think it’s amazing how you’re juggling it all with school. Thank you for being such an inspiration to newbie bloggers like me. Keep up the great work! And congrats on your internship! I used to work for Fossil WAY back in the day. Great company! You’ll love it!
Girl this post just made me fall in love with you 9 times more. THANK YOU for having the balls to be so real π
I LOVE this post. So much truth, and so much pure honesty. We all need to slow down sometimes- preach!
thank you so much! I definitely struggle with it- knowing when to slow down is key!!
Agree with everything you said about the blogging community. It’s so easy to get caught up in everything, sometimes you really just have to learn to unplug! Well said!!
thank you so much, Amanda! π