I actually first found this dress on my good friend Kaitlin from The Hype– it was SO cute on her that when I saw it in store at Loft I had to have it! She’s super cute & has amazing photos, so be sure to go check out her blog. 🙂 Anyway, most of y’all already know one of my favorite things is when you can see movement in a piece of clothing. I know this sounds super strange, but I just think it’s so fun! The tiers on this dress flow in a way that’s so fun it makes me want to go out dancing.
Adjusting back to school life this past week has been…. interesting. After 3 months of working a “big girl job” this summer, it’s super strange to come back to the land of no sleep and studying (what even is studying?) I was hoping my last semester would be full of just late nights with friends and watching TV, but it’s definitely been the opposite, that’s for sure. My course load is a lot less than previous semesters, when I used to take 18 hours of biology and chemistry classes, but I honestly didn’t realize how much my blog commitment has increased over the summer. Don’t get me wrong- this is SUPER exciting, and I’m honestly super proud of this platform I’ve built, but it’s been a little hard trying to figure out again how to balance school, the blog, and somewhat maintaining a social life. BUT all that aside, I’m really trying hard to enjoy my last semester as a “kid” before adulthood hits me like a billion bricks.
Thanks so much for reading, that’s pretty much all I have for y’all today! Now I’m off to studying Finance..wahoo.
LOL jokes aside, I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!! See y’all Monday. 🙂