Happy Wednesday friends!! I hope all of you had a wonderful day yesterday, and were showered with the love you deserve! Akash & I had a super romantic dinner at Christopher’s in College Station, and the food was amazing. I’m already looking forward to the leftovers I’m going to have for lunch! Now that all the Valentine’s Day posts are done with, I’m switching the gears a little bit today & we’re talking all about how I attempt to stay organized.
Sometimes life gets a little crazy! You have what seems like a bajillion things going on, a gazillion things to do- it can definitely be overwhelming! A lot of times I find myself feeling like I’m doggy paddling in an ocean spanning miles and miles long. With keeping up with an 18 credit hour schedule this semester, keeping up with my extracurricular organizations, posting content on my blog three times a week, trying to maintain a social life, and holding onto the very last thread of attempting to be healthy, it can get exhausting! Now that I’m a junior in college, I feel like I’m starting to get my sh*t together (at least most of the time.) I’ve come up with some key tips that help me, and hopefully they’ll help you out too!
Use a planner.
Actually utilize your planner- I’m not talking about just occasionally jotting down your exams or your big dates. Write everything down! When you have a ton of stuff going on, it can be easy to remember the small things. My planner is my life. I write down everything, down to what I’m planning to eat that day, what time I’m going to work out, along with everything I have to do for the day. And don’t just write it down- check it! I know sometimes I can be a little forgetful when it comes to actually following my planner and what I wrote down, but really following it is the only way it really works! Once you get into the habit, you’re golden.
Sometimes you have to make tough decisions! Is this blog post that I have to get up today more important or is this homework assignment due tomorrow more important? Figure out what your priorities are, and plan accordingly. Sometimes we can be blinded by putting things we want to do above the things we need to do, and without prioritizing, it can be easy to give in.
Plan specific times to plan!
Some people may say this is totally unnecessary, but I definitely think this is essential. I’m not talking about going above and beyond with decorating your planner with washi tape & stickers (for you girls who can keep up with this, props to you! I’m just not one of those people.) Every Sunday afternoon, I sit down and plan out what I have to do for the week- which days I’m working out, which day I have to go grocery shopping, what days I’m grabbing lunch with friends. This lets me have a good idea of what each day’s going to be like, and shows me if there’s anything big happening that week that I need to prepare for.
Keep your space clean.
When I’m back home in Dallas, I’m really bad about this one. Sorry, Daddy! But when I’m in College Station, 9 times out of 10 you’ll find my apartment spotless, with everything in it’s place. How can you expect your life to be organized if you can’t even keep your own living space organized? I plan out times each week to do my laundry, and to clean my room. There’s something so soothing about just having a clean room.
So, real talk. Let’s be honest, not everyone has time every day to keep things right in their places and have all their sh*t together, right? I definitely don’t! More often than not, I find my bedroom looking like a tornado blew through, and my planner is filled with 999 things to do and none of them have been completed yet. And you know what? That’s okay! I just want to remind all of you that it’s okay to not always have everything perfect, because nobody’s perfect. Sometimes I realize I’m beating myself up for not having everything together, but we all have to realize that sometime’s life’s crazy and you won’t have it all together- and that’s okay. Just take a breath, and realize that everything’s going to be okay. Hopefully some of these tips can help y’all take a step toward staying organized & keeping your life clutter-free, but just remember that nobody’s perfect 24/7!
See you on Friday, my loves!
Love this post, girl!💕 Keep it up!!
great tips.
lol nice blog
Haha love everything about this post
Way too often I find my room looking like a tornado passed through it too girl
it happens to the best of us!
Which planner do you recommend for college use?
Love your blog 🙂
I had an Erin Condren last year and LOVED it, but those are definitely an investment. The one I’m using now is from Michael’s, and it’s amazing too! Super inexpensive but cute & it gets the job done.
Here’s the link for the one I have: http://www.michaels.com/heidi-swapp-personal-12-month-planner-one-day-at-a-time/10507810.html#mkwid=sfNwYLh6G%7Cpcrid%7C177938225180%7Cpkw%7Cmichaels+planners%7Cpmt%7Ce%7Cpdv%7Cc%7C&cm_mmc=zadv_Search-_-google-_-B%2B-%2BPapercraft%2B-%2BProducts%2B(E)-_-Adhesives%2B&gclid=CjwKEAiAlZDFBRCKncm67qihiHwSJABtoNIgeAFIUagWXqtyRYikjFnu7A7dgl7zOu5Cu–moFQ3ABoCPA7w_wcB&start=7
Great post.
thank you!
LOVE the tip about planning specific times to plan! Makes total sense, and I’m definitely going to start doing it!!
thanks girl! xoxo
Awh thank you!! I know, so many people don’t think about making time to plan, but it’s seriously so crucial to getting myself prepped for the week.