I’m moving … to LOS ANGELES!
I can’t believe I’m writing this post right now, AH! This has been in the works for a long time coming and I can’t believe I’m finally sharing the news with you all- that I’m moving! As most of you know, I graduated from Texas A&M a semester early this past December. Something I didn’t share from behind the scenes is that I actually landed an amazing job back in September (a whole other story, that I’m not going to go into) and had been working remotely for a few months. As of January 1st of this year, I signed my contract to officially work at the company full-time.
If you’ve been following along for the past few months, you’ll have noticed that I’ve spent quite a bit of time in San Francisco. I never officially announced it, but it has been for work! After a few months of working in SF, I’ve now gotten the opportunity to work from Los Angeles. I love LA with all my heart, so I am absolutely ecstatic to start a life there.
Which means… With Love, Summer is moving to LOS ANGELES! So many feels while writing this post, you guys! Having been born and raised in Texas my entire 21 years of life, it’s a pretty daunting that I’m moving. With that said, I would really like for any of you who have moved away from home to let me know what made the transition easier for you. Any advice is greatly appreciated! I’ve had a little practice with moving from college and spending the majority of my time in SF, but it’s crazy that this is officially official.
With that said, I will still be visiting Texas often, to see friends and family. However, WLS’s home base is officially moving 1500 miles away to the city of angels.
Here’s to new adventures!
PS.: Let me know what type of posts you want to see while I’m moving! Whether that’s blog posts, moving vlogs, apartment hunting/furnishing, etc…