Happy Hump Day! I’m currently writing this on Tuesday (the day before you’re reading this) so technically it’s not Hump Day yet… but whatever. I hope you’re all having a great week so far. Mine hasn’t been the best… but I’ll get into that in a little while. First let’s talk about this jumpsuit!
I have been absolutely loving jumpsuits lately. I like to call spring “jumpsuit season,” because it’s perfect for the weather almost at any time. On colder days, just layer with outerwear, but on warmer days you can wear them alone. Plus, you can customize them so many different ways to make the outfit your own. Not only that, having your pants and your top together makes creating outfits 10x easier. #Lazy
I wore this jumpsuit to an event I hosted about a month ago, and got so many compliments on it! The fit is incredibly comfortable, plus it also makes you feel like a million bucks. This jumpsuit in particular is from Banana Republic, and I think it really can be so versatile. I wore it to a semi-casual brunch, but when dressed up you could wear it to work, to special events, or even everyday. Another thing to love about a jumpsuit, am I right ladies?
So now onto some rambly thoughts… this week is going to be a week full of changes, big and small. I can’t quite announce them just yet, but stay tuned- big announcements to come! Today has just been one of those days where it’s really hard to get out of bed, let alone motivate myself to do anything. Back in college, it was easy to take a day off on the days where I didn’t feel like doing much. But now, with being an “adult,” I don’t have that privilege anymore. It seems like such an elementary thing to complain about, but y’all I’m struggling.
So I want to ask you guys for your advice! On your off days, what do you do to overcome it? How do you motivate yourself to get up, get ready, and be productive? I’d love to know. Moral of the story is, though, that everyone goes through it, so if you’re having an off day yourself don’t let it get you down.
With all of that said, I hope you all are having a better week than mine. And if not, don’t worry- at least we’re in it together!
xoxo hugs from Dallas