Part of moving away unfortunately meant moving away from my boyfriend of the past 3 years. Let me tell y’all- it has been rough. If you know me, you know I keep a small circle but I love them hard. Long distance relationships are most definitely not easy, but hopefully this post will help out at least one of you going through something similar! Also I may or may not have wanted an excuse to post these photos… hehe.
Akash has made a few appearances on here before, but for those of you who don’t know him, Akash & I have been dating for going on 3 years, but have been best friends for the past 5. 4 of those 5 years were spent together daily, so you can imagine that the shift was a big change. Especially through our college years, we spent almost every waking second together. We hung out in the same group, grocery shopped together, went on trips together, you name it. So to go from that to see each other maybe once or twice a month, it’s been hard!
FaceTime is our best friend
Even though work and life can get pretty crazy, we make time every night to chat about our days, and to just hang out. It’s one of the highlights of my days, and I’ve come to really look forward to our FaceTime sessions. When you set out time to chat, it gives you both something to look forward to. It’s also nice to have a constant when you don’t necessarily have constants to count on with physical face time.
Always have something to look forward to
This one is a bit related to my last point, but I’ve found this one to be helpful. I know not everyone may be able to have this privilege, but it’s been incredibly helpful to always have something to look forward to. Even if it’s a month away, having a trip home booked or a visit from him booked is so comforting. If you know you have something to look forward to, it makes the time pass faster! Every time something feels decades away, I just imagine the feeling when the time has already passed and I’m thinking to myself ‘wow that flew by!’
I do this not only with my relationship, but also with work and other life things. If I’m going through a rough time, I just imagine myself already past it and looking back. Trust me, it works. Your perspective is everything!
Loneliness is inevitable from time to time
And it’s normal! It is NORMAL, and it is temporary. Of course, moving to a new city is scary and of course you’ll have times where you’re lonely. But you know what? Everything is temporary. Being lonely gives you time to grow and learn about yourself. I’m still going through this now, and it’s been really cool to have been able to literally see my growth from the past few months.
Develop a routine on your own
Whatever it is that you like to do- work it into your everyday schedule! When you have things you enjoy doing, and you have a consistent schedule, it makes the days go by so fast. Lately, I’ve been really getting into working out and I’ve been loving it! Although I definitely wouldn’t consider myself an athletic person, I’ve been enjoying having a workout to look forward to.
Get out there & make some friends!
This may be an unpopular opinion, but being in a long distance relationship actually has quite a few perks. You can go out, meet new people, and be your own person. You still have that special someone waiting for you, but you’re able to go out and be your own person individually, and so does your S/O. This lets you have so many more things to talk about too, and you guys both have your individual lives that you can combine completely one day.