I’ve officially been bitten by the travel bug… there are just SO many places I want to visit! The Type A in me loves to make lists, so here we go. My 2018 travel bucket list! Quick note: I only included 5 places on this list because I wanted to increase my chances of actually hitting them all and not being too ambitious. I take bucket lists very seriously, people!
2018 Travel Bucket List
Washington, D.C. for cherry blossom season
Who wouldn’t want to channel their inner Olivia Pope? I’ve seen photos of DC during cherry blossom season for years and years, and it’s been on my bucket list since!
Unfortunately I’ve never had the privilege of visiting Paris, and I am DYING to go. Hopefully this year will finally be the year.
Crater Lake, Oregon
I know some of y’all are going to be like “what the heck, you want to go to Oregon?” My friend KJ (hey KJ, if you’re reading!) went here a year or so ago and when I saw photos I just about died. This place is stinking gorgeous!!!
Turks & Caicos
One of my coworkers is going to Turks this weekend and I’m SO JEALOUS!! Oh, how I want to feel the sand in my toes and the wind in my hair. Can you picture anything better?
Lake Louise, Alberta
It seems like everyone and their mothers have been here besides me. I’ve never been to Canada, so Lake Louise is on my bucket list for sure.
You have such a good list! Washington DC is such a dream in the springtime. I went during my spring break a few years ago. Be sure to check out the Newseum. It’s a great museum that’s all about journalism. I’d also love to visit Paris. I currently take French. I think it would be so fun to study abroad in France. Lake Louise is absolutely beautiful. You have to go there!