Happy Saturday, friends! It’s a rare moment that I’m sitting at my computer on a Saturday, but here we are. Hope y’all are having a wonderful weekend! Akash & I have started a new ”lifestyle change” where we’re adjusting our eating habits (more on that later if y’all are interested) and part of our new plan is only eating out on Fridays and Saturdays.
Yesterday we decided to try out Laurel Hardware, a restaurant in West Hollywood that’s just down the street from us. We left right after work, so I had about 10 minutes to get ready before having to run out the door. It made me realize how I often wear the same look when we go out, just switched out with different tops or bottoms. It’s the same look, just in different combinations.

If you’re ever in a crunch and need to throw something together that looks put together, here’s my secret! Palazzo pants are the perfect thing to wear when you’re in a rush. They look good on everyone and make your legs look a mile long! I always tuck in a cute sleeveless top, and drape a jacket over my shoulders to elevate the look a bit. All together, I think it looks so chic, but it’s so easy (and comfortable, hello!)
You can swap each piece out for other things too – I love this look with a staple leather jacket. No time to do your makeup? No worries – slap on some bronzer and a pretty lip, slicked back hair! Hello, Kim Kardashian?! So effortless yet chic as heck.
Here are some other ways I’ve worn the look! (You’ll notice I LOVE my pair of black and white striped pants – I’ve worn them sooo many times.)