Over the past two years, I’ve been on more flights than probably in my entire life. I’d say I average about 3-4 domestic flights monthly, for both work and leisure. I’ve gotten to a point where I have a pretty regular routine, that’s worked super well and I haven’t forgotten anything major (yet… knock on wood.) Today’s post is all about my pre-flight checklist – hopefully this helps y’all make sure you have everything you need for your upcoming flights!
Forewarning: I’m including both necessities and non-essential items (like my in-flight beauty routine) so I know some items might seem a little excessive. But I promise – they’re all important. 😉
Eye Mask/Pillow
This set is my personal favorite! I’ve most definitely hopped onto the silk pillowcase trend, and my travel pillow is no exception. I’ve also heard great things about these little contraptions, but have never tried it myself. If y’all try it out please let me know how you like it!
Mine is actually a hand-me-down from Akash (I actually gave it to him as a gift but he never used it lol.) It’s the perfect size for flights – phones are too small, but taking your laptop out can be such a hassle.
In Flight Entertainment
If you didn’t already know this tip, I’m about to change your life. Netflix lets you download movies and shows onto your device – for FREE. Check out an article on how to do it here!
I also love to bring a book with me when I travel – sometimes when I get sleepy on planes, they help me fall asleep. When I’m interested, they’re great in flight entertainment. Gotta love items with multiple uses, right?
Headphones (Airpods + Wired)
Since I bring my iPad with me, I usually never need wired headphones. However, I always bring them anyway just in case the in-flight TV has a title that I haven’t seen yet. Airlines have been really stepping up their game when it comes to the titles they have, so usually they have some amazing movies on there!
Disinfectant wipes
Such a necessity! The older I get, the more of a germaphobe I become. If I don’t wipe down every inch of my vicinity when I get onto a plane, I start freaking out. I love getting little packs of disinfectant wipes, and throwing them in my bag.
Ain’t nobody got money for expensive snacks at the airport. I won’t lie, from time to time I’ll forget and have to get food at the airport. Most of the time though, I try to bring my own snacks to avoid paying such a premium. Plus, chances are the snacks I pack myself will be a lot healthier than what I pick at the airport.
Obviously. This is my exact passport cover. Linking my wallet here.
In-Flight Beauty Routine
I’m obsessed with all things Follain right now – especially this essential oil! It’s the perfect oil for flights; so calming, and it smells amazing. You can basically DIY a spa anywhere you go with this oil. So good.
The perfect time to use this mask is on flights! You just slather it on for a couple hours, and it leaves your skin so buttery soft and hydrated. Love!
This one’s a necessity everywhere I go, but especially on flights. There’s seriously nothing worse than halfway through a flight realizing how dry your lips are and that you don’t have any lip balm. These Glossier ones are my faves, and I keep one with me pretty much at all times.
Makeup Wipes
Sometimes I leave for the airport straight from work, and forget that I still have a full face of makeup on. There’s so much bacteria on the plane, and you don’t want all those nasties on your face the whole time! I always keep some of these on me just in case I need to take my makeup off.
What are your in-flight essentials? What all am I missing?