Last summer, my work commute consisted of an hour to 1.5 hours to work and back every day. The first few days on my commute, I listened to music and it was great. But then, I found myself drifting asleep on my drive home after long days. Then podcasts came into my life and changed everything! Today I’m sharing the best podcasts for 20-somethings.
After I asked you guys about what your favorite posts on the blog were, I was so surprised to hear how much y’all loved my books post. I’m really happy y’all enjoyed it, though, now I know to do more. But I figured I’d share with y’all my favorite podcasts at the moment, since they’re all the rage right now.
Quick side note: if you don’t listen to podcasts, what are you doing with your life?! I was never one for audiobooks, but podcasts have my heart. I’m able to actually enjoy working out (*GASP*) thanks to podcasts. I also love taking my dog for walks now! I’ve never been someone who LOVES working out or getting active, but now I can honestly say it’s something I look forward to daily. On top of that, podcasts are amazing when I’m traveling.
Anyway, point is- if you don’t listen to podcasts, you should! Today’s post is going to just focus on my top 5 favorites, but if y’all enjoy this post I’m happy to do more based on categories. There are some that I love for blogging tips, comedy/entertainment, news, true crime, etc. This post has a ton of variety- I wanted to make sure everyone could find one they liked!
Arguably my favorite podcast of all time! It’s hosted by 3 Hollywood girls- a reporter, an actress, and a boutique owner, who talk about all about their life experiences and just girl talk in general. It’s a fun one, and I always find myself laughing along to this one.
You might see a little bit of a trend start to form in the podcasts I share.. As a lot of you know, I love all things Bachelor. It’s one of the few trash TV shows I allow myself to watch! I actually was first introduced to podcasts through my friend, who told me about some of the Bachelor cast’s podcasts. This one is hosted by Ashley Iaconetti, who’s a big Bachelor cast member (the one known for crying) and her sister + best friend. The girls talk about every topic under the sun, from dating advice to awkward gyno questions to random questions everyone asks but is to embarrassed to talk about.
After listening to this podcast for the past year or so, I feel like I’m just one of the girls and they’re all my best friends. It’s a good one, for sure! Don’t let my intro scare you, though, they don’t talk about all things Bachelor so you’ll still enjoy even if you don’t watch the show.
This one is totally out of my comfort zone, but I love it! My boyfriend’s a huge fan of Cody Ko, a Youtube comedian, and he introduced me to his videos a while back. I don’t always keep up with Youtube videos since often I don’t have the time to sit and give my full attention to a video, so I started listening to his podcast. It’s actually pretty embarrassing because I will literally LOL a little too “OL” to this podcast. If your guy is looking for a good laugh via podcast, send him this one. Warning: it’s a little more crude and has inappropriate humor, so if that’s not your thing stay away.
This one’s another Bachelor one- but it actually has to do with the show! Ben Higgins is arguably my all time favorite Bachelor, and this podcast is all about him and Ashley I. (mentioned above) dissecting the show and interviewing friends who have been on the show. Like I said, I’m a big Bachelor junkie so I love hearing the behind the scenes. Plus, they talk about dating advice, which I find to be really entertaining even though I’m not single.
Another one of my faves! This podcast talks about every struggle a 20 or 30-something woman goes through. I honestly think most of you will find this one super relatable!
Last thing before I close out today’s post- I have a few podcasts that I absolutely love for blogging/social media tips and also for career advice. Please let me know if that’s something y’all would be interested in! Also, tell me your favorite podcasts! Unfortunately I’ve heard every episode of the ones I’ve mentioned, so it kind of stinks having to wait for only one episode a week per podcast. I’m always on the hunt for new ones to listen to!
Podcasts are the best for long drives! // The Lady Gang sounds like so much fun! Will def check that out. // I listen to Stuff You Should Know, Dear Hank and John, Who Weekly, and Serial Killers 🙂 -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s
Thank you so much for sharing! I’ll have to check those out soon. I’m always looking for new podcasts to listen to!!!