I don’t know about y’all, but rainy days always bum me out. I know rainy weather makes for perfect naps, but I just get kind of bummed out when it rains! For some reason it makes me just want to crawl up in bed and watch sad movies all day.
Enter bright rainboots!! I know it may seem so lame, but since I bought these rainboots, I’m always excited to go out and be active since I rarely get to wear them. I had been dying to get a pair of Hunter boots for a while, but couldn’t decide for the longest time on which color to get. I debated and debated between plain black, red, and yellow, but the minute I saw these my heart was set!
To be completely honest, I had a little buyer’s remorse after I bought them, just because I was worried how often I’d really be able to wear them. But it’s turned out okay so far! always pair them with neutrals, which I tend to have a ton of.
Hope all of you here in the Texas area are staying dry in this cloudy gloomy weather!!