Even though it’s only the third week of school, I already feel like I’m drowning! The fact that I’m graduating in just 3 short months is really starting to hit me, and it’s honestly super scary. Why do we have to grow up? Can’t I just stay 21 and in college forever? It’s funny how the job hunt works- I feel like I’m going fishing, and am just waiting for a bite but all I get is my fishing hook stuck on a leaf or branch every once in a while. Anyone else in the same boat?
It’s also pretty crazy to think about the fact that in just a few months, I could potentially be in a brand city where I don’t know anyone. As someone who gets crazy attached to the people around me, that’s probably what scares me the most. I know what my mom would say to me if she’s reading this- “don’t worry about it until it gets here, and when it comes you’ll be ready.” I’m definitely trying to keep it all in mind but sometimes my mind just gets stuck in this big black hole and before I know it I’m already dug in way too deep.
Anywhoooo let’s talk about something happier! This past month, as crazy as it’s been, has been so exciting. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be working with some of the brands that I’m working with right now. I also feel so grateful that people even read my blog- I think I got so used to getting maybe 5 views for so long, that sometimes I forget that there are other eyeballs checking out my website other than mine and my mom’s. Lately I’ve been getting a ton of questions about my blogging journey, so I’m thinking about writing up a post summing it all up- maybe Q&A style? I haven’t quite thought it all the way through, but if y’all have any suggestions for me send them my way!
Before I bore all of you to death, let’s talk about this outfit! I’ve been absolutely loving sweater tanks lately. Even though I live in Texas and we aren’t having much of a fall yet, wearing sweater tanks makes me feel a little better, like I’m getting to wear a sweater even though it’s still 90 degrees outside. LOL. My favorite part of this look hands down is the earrings- how stinking cute?! Sugarfix sent them over, and I’m obsessed. I’m honestly tempted to get them in all 3 colors. They’ll definitely be getting a ton of wear in the coming months!
I guess that’s all I have for you guys! Sorry it was so scrambled- hopefully it was at least slightly entertaining! 🙂 Have a great weekend, see y’all next week!!! xoxo