Okay peeps- here’s the deal. There’s something that’s been weighing on my heart for the last few months. I recently saw a post from my friend Megan (you can head it here!) and it inspired me to write this. I’d love to hear your thoughts- let’s chat!
As most of you know, I started this journey in blogging through fashion. I was constantly getting asked about where my outfits were from, and blogging seemed like a fantastic way to share outfits, and document my life through college. However, as the blog grew, and I began to get more and more involved in the blogger community, I found myself feeling pressured to be keeping up with what’s ‘new’ and what’s ‘linkable.’ I’d always looked at influencers that said “You HAVE to get this sweater, it’s only $100!” and chuckled to myself. Only $100?! To me, $100 was a good chunk of money. $100 is what I’d spend on an investment piece, not just an average sweater. Somehow I ended up being one of those people, constantly telling my readers that they just “need that pair of $200 shoes.”
Then came my first Nordstrom sale. If you follow several bloggers/influencers, you know that the month of July you can expect to see something about the N-sale every. single. time. you log into Instagram. How annoying is that?! This isn’t to say that I don’t respect and look up to bloggers who can constantly be shopping, shooting, and sharing new articles of clothing. The thing is, in the blogger community, there is little to no originality. Everyone posts the same items (most of which are extremely basic) and there’s no true sense of STYLE. I found myself losing my personal style, and trading it for what’s linkable and what I thought would perform well.
I’m sure you probably know where I’m going with this. Blogging turned from something that I loved with all my heart, and wanted to use as a way to express creativity into more of a chore, and a numbers game. I found that I was kicking myself constantly, wondering why I could just never grow to 10,000 followers organically. All these bloggers are linking clothes constantly, and growing so fast with giveaways- is that what I should be doing too? They’re only doing it because it works, right?
All this back story to say, I’m rethinking the approach I want to take when it comes to this platform. Rather than focusing on sales, and promoting mass consumerism (lol who even am I?) I want to go back to sharing my heart with you all, and learning about how I can make your lives even just a little easier. Maybe that means sharing shopping tips once in a while, or sharing my favorite beauty products.. I still love beauty and fashion! That said, I want to focus on sharing what I want to share, and what you all want to see. Let’s make this a place where we can all connect over girly things but still share struggles and talk about real life. 🙂
Love this!! I’ve felt the pinch as well. I’m a relatively new blogger (2 years!) but it seems like everyone else I see is growing like CRAZY in only a few months. It gets super discouraging but I have to remember why I started this blog, and it wasn’t for the money!
xx Victoria
YESSSSSSS!!! Everything I’ve always felt in one post! Do it, girl! I can’t wait to follow along! 🙂