Who doesn’t love a good blanket scarf, am I right?!
My scarf collection seems to grow exponentially year after year… funny how that happens, right? 😉 Every time winter rolls around, scarves are probably the #1 piece of clothing that I am most excited to start wearing again (either that or boots… don’t make me pick, it’s like choosing between my babies.)
This past week I had a particularly rough day- my morning started off with me landing my butt (literally) into a puddle of water in my seat on the bus. No, I have no idea if it was actually water or if it was another liquid but all I can say is I showered 3 times the minute I got home. Then I went on to get a flat tire the same day… if you know me, you know I am 100% incapable of doing anything with cars other than filling gas & driving. So there’s that. Long story short, you know how it goes- I somehow found myself sorting through clothing racks at the mall. Retail therapy is my friend- don’t judge me!!!
ANYWAY, now that I’ve rambled for what seems like a decade, I decided to stop into Old Navy for the first time in a while- I’m not going to lie, their displays totally lured me in! But much to my satisfaction, Old Navy was doing 50% off scarves, hats, and gloves. UM, HELLO, YOU HAD ME AT 50% OFF. They’re doing it from November 9th to the 12th- aka 2 more days, go get yourself some goodies!!!! Shop everything here.
I actually ended up grabbing 2 of their blanket scarves, one of them shown here. I’ll definitely be styling the other one I got in a post soon! They’re both crazy soft & crazy warm- perfect for fall and winter! Here’s the link to the other scarf I got! For some weird reason this white one isn’t shown on the website but I know for a fact they’re still being sold in store!
Thanks so much for stopping by, now go treat yourself- ALL sweaters, coats, hats, gloves, & scarves are 50% off. Big shoutout to Old Navy too for stepping up their game! I’ve never really had the best impression of Old Navy, but they definitely have a ton of cute affordable stuff right now. Love love love!