Is it just me, or is every show that’s coming out seem like they’re just getting better and better?! Y’all know I love my TV- pretty much on a daily basis, I spend an hour or two catching up on my shows after work before bed. I thought something fun to write about today is to share some of my favorite show/movie recommendations as of late, and ask for any suggestions y’all might have! If you watch any of these, you’ll have to let me know- we’ll talk!
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
I wasn’t expecting to like this one as much as I do, but I’ll take it! It’s a story about a 60s/70s Jewish housewife, who aspires to be a comic in an era where it’s not common for women to have real jobs. I love this time period- the fashion is so fun to see! Overall, the show ties in humor with emotion and an amazing storyline. I’m about 6 episodes in right now and loving it! This one’s an Amazon original, so you can watch it with an Amazon Prime membership.
Grey’s Anatomy
I will forever and always be a Grey’s fan until the day I die. Even though it seems like they’re just pulling out every single natural disaster and crisis possible to stir up drama on this show, I’m still hooked. I won’t share any spoilers, but this new season is the first time I’ve felt inclined to really watch since Derek died. Definitely worth catching up if you’ve taken a break on Grey’s lately!
The Bachelor
Okay y’all- so I get questions almost daily about my thoughts on the Bachelor, because y’all know how much I usually love this show. To be honest, I’m not hooked on this season yet! Typically by the second episode I already have a girl that’s my #1, but this time around nobody’s really impressed me and the drama’s not up to standard. I’m still watching anyway, but just know I’m only mentioning this one because I know I’ll get questions! LOL.
Book Club
I just finished this movie last night, and to be honest it was a bit cheesy. However, this is exactly the type of movie I love to watch! If you know me in real life, you know I don’t like cheese on my food, but slather it on in any show or movie I watch and I can’t get enough. This movie reminds me of an early 2000s style rom com, and honestly those movies are my all time faves.
Dirty John
I just finished this show, and Y’ALL. They did such an amazing job with both the show and this podcast! I can’t get enough. I would say, though, that if you live alone and get creeped out easily, this probably isn’t for you. Akash & I watched it together though, and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. I highly recommend watching it and listening to the podcast at the same time, to see how they bring the story to life. Definitely worth a watch!
So good!!! I’ve heard mixed reviews, but I honestly loved it. I find horror/thriller type shows to be so fascinating, and I loved how this one really showed you the story from the ‘villain’s’ point of view. I actually wasn’t the biggest fan of Dan Humphrey from his GG days, but I really liked Penn Badgeley in this one.
Also loved the twist ending towards the end- but I won’t spill!