Hello, friends! Oh, how I have missed you so dearly! It’s been almost 3 weeks since I last posted, and that’s so unlike me. Y’all know I’m usually good about sharing 3 posts a week (until lately) and lately my schedule has been so out of whack that I feel like I can never carve out even just 30 minutes to write. I’ve also just been having the hardest time finding inspiration, if I’m being totally honest. So today, I thought I’d do what makes the most sense. Here’s a little life update for y’all!
As most of you know, I made the move to LA a little over 3 months ago. There have definitely been some ups and downs, but overall the experience has been so great, and I’ve learned more in these 3 months than in the 4 years I was in college. I’ve met a ton of different types of people during my time here- some amazing, some not so great… and everything in between. If I’m writing candidly, attempts to meet new friends and expand my community here in LA has been a bit discouraging. I’ve met a lot of people in the blogger community that have been absolutely nothing but nasty, and it’s a bit disheartening to see how some of the bloggers and influencers here treat each other. Definitely makes me miss home a bit! That said, I’m not giving up- hoping to find a solid group of peeps here in LA. I know they’re out there!
Not only that, I’ve also had the chances to meet tons of different types of people at work. Again, both positive and negative experiences there. The good thing is that I know that all of these experiences are only adding to my growth!
Living in a new city has made me realize so many things. I’ve had lonely days where all I want is to go home, but I’ve also had days that I wouldn’t give up living in LA for anything. So many growing pains! All that said, it’s only been a little over 3 months, and I can feel myself growing as a person in so many ways. It’s actually insane.
I’ve gotten so many questions from some of you, asking about what it’s like to move to a new city directly after graduating college. Although it’s only been a few months, I know this was the right move for me personally. I also recommend to anyone who is considering moving to JUST DO IT! It has been the best decision for me, and at the end of the day life is all about making the most of every day. Take risks, and live a little! If you have any specific questions about what the move has been like, I’m happy to help! Here to be a resource for any and all of you.
Lastly, this whole blogging thing.. it has become so exhausting! I love creating content with all my heart, but when I work 60 hour weeks, when I get home I have barely enough energy left to make dinner, let alone shoot photos and publish posts. However, I’m slowly but surely getting back to a routine. Bare with me, I’m trying to get back into the swing of things!
Can you guys believe it’s already August? My mind is absolutely blown by this. Anyone else? I also just turned 22, but I feel like I literally JUST turned 21. What in the world! The past 6 months of this year have flown by me so quickly, I don’t even know how to react. Soon it’ll be holiday season again! Anyway, I hope you all are having a wonderful Monday. I miss writing! Hopefully this week I’ll get back on my A-game. Let me know how you’re doing- I mean it! I want to know! Happy Monday, see you soon!
Hey Summer! LA is such a cool adventure! It’s always hard at first, but I’m sure you’ll find your group of friends soon!
Hey Summer! LA is such a cool adventure! It’s always hard at first, but I’m sure you’ll find your group of friends soon!
Hi Summer! I love that you took such a chance to move to LA. It’s definitely something I have been thinking about as I don’t think my dream job is in the city I’m in, but I would love to see a post about your experience applying for jobs outside of your city. I have been super unsure of where to start and how to best go about the interview process from a different city. I would love to learn more about how you snagged such a great job!
xx Victoria