The LA Diaries: Vol. III

The LA Diaries: Vol. III

Whew! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? For those of you who have been following my blog for a few years now, you know how my mind works- every few months, I’ll go through a super creative phase, where I’m able to crank out my regular 3 posts a week, no problem. Then, I’ll go a few weeks (or even months) where absolutely zero inspiration strikes. I’ve been struggling the past few weeks to get back on here, but today I’m forcing myself to just sit down and write! I’ll be sharing with y’all a few learnings from the past few months living in Los Angeles.

As I’m writing this, today actually marks 6 months since I moved to LA. I seriously can’t believe 6 months has already passed! It’s absolutely insane, I can’t wrap my head around it. I guess that’s a good thing! Time flies when you’re having fun, right? I think the biggest learning from the past few months has been just learning what kind of life I want to build for myself. The past few months have been so full of endless firsts, and at times it’s been a bit overwhelming. Each week has been jam packed with so much- trying to build a social life, just learning to live alone, and understanding the balance of remembering where I came from but enjoying where I’m at.

Something else I’ve struggled with is remembering to slow down, look back, and realize how far I’ve come. Especially with a new job and the start of my whole career, it’s really easy to get wrapped up in all the things I don’t know and that I’m not good at. There are so many decisions to make about who I want to be, what I want to do, what industry I want to be in one day, where I want to end up… the decisions seem never ending sometimes. I’m constantly pushing myself to get smarter, be more social, get better at XYZ, but sometimes I forget to realize that I still have so much time to learn and grow. I’m on my way!

The thought first popped into my head when I was driving to work one day, and I took a second to realize where I was. For so many years, I’ve seen the Hollywood sign in endless movies and TV shows. I never dreamt that one day I would be living in the city of angels, exploring new places, doing a job that challenges me in a great way, with people I love being around. How blessed am I to live this life?!

I also want to take a second to encourage you (yes, YOU!) My plan was always to stay in Texas for the rest of my life. I never dreamed of leaving my family, or leaving my home. After moving to a new city and seeing so many new things, I feel like my eyes are opened. And this is just the start! There’s still so much I want to see and do in this world, but I feel like for the first time I realize how much this world has to offer. Maybe I’m getting a bit ahead of myself, but I just want to encourage you- whatever stage of life you’re currently in, if you can dream it you can do it. Just believe in yourself- your head and your heart can take you a long long way!

Something else I’ve learned is how to be my own person. All throughout high school and college, I always did what I was told was ‘cool.’ I never really learned to make my own opinions, and when I did, oftentimes it was hard for me to express to others. It was so important to me to always be doing, wearing, saying what’s ‘cool.’ I’m finally realizing that the only opinion that really matters is my own.

A few months ago, I said goodbye to the typical ‘fashion blogger’ content. Not having to constantly be shopping at Nordstrom and linking clothing items that I didn’t actually love and just shared to fit in & make sales has been SUCH a weight off my shoulders. It’s seriously so refreshing to be able to snap a photo of things, places, clothes that I actually like! This sounds so silly, but way too often, I see bloggers posting about all the same things, constantly telling people ‘you NEED this, you NEED that.’ I’m as guilty as the rest of them! However, since I consciously made the decision to only share what I truly enjoy, it’s been such a relief.

I’m seriously in awe that October’s already almost over.. before we know it, the year will coming to an end! I’m planning to write on here more regularly from now on, rather than having 3 posts go up all in one week and then crickets for a few months. Will do my absolute best to be better! I’m also hoping to travel to some fun locations in the next few months – currently have had 0 time to plan, but I’m hoping to do so soon! What are you looking forward to in the next few months?


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