Why I Drybrush (and You Should Too)

Why I Drybrush (and You Should Too)

Let’s talk dry brushing, shall we? My friends always comment on how smooth my arms and legs are, and of course a lot of that has to do with the fact that I’ve been doing laser hair removal for the past year (lol) but I attribute having soft skin to just using a dry brush! Everyone and their mom knows that exfoliating is the key to having good skin, but I think dry brushes take it to a whole other level. It gets you that squeaky clean feel, and gives you the perfect canvas for body oil and moisturizer after.

I actually started using it after a few months ago, when I got sunburned once and a friend recommended dry brushing to exfoliate the dead peeling skin. It worked magic, and I’ve been hooked ever since!

I’ve tried a few different dry brushes, but my favorite ‘Goldilocks’ one is this one by Goop. It’s the perfect amount of roughness to get the job done, while not being too harsh on your skin. I know some people who have tried copper dry brushing before, but that’s way too harsh for me personally. This specific one is only $20, and honestly still looks brand new.

Right after stepping out of the shower after using my dry brush, I immediately apply my fave Follain body oil. This stuff is magic!!! If you’ve ever wanted that Kim K glow, this is my favorite thing for it. Not only does it make you look good, though – but it’s clean. I don’t want to give y’all the whole lecture about clean products, but it’s something that I’m really trying to implement in my own life. Follain is one of my new favorite brands- their exclusive line is honestly amazing and I can’t get enough. (Side note: their No.1 candle is AMAZE. I have it burning in 3 rooms in my apartment. So good.)

Well, that’s the low down on dry brushing and why I love it! If you try it out, let me know if you love it. (I already know you will, but I love hearing when y’all try stuff out!)

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