My Go To “Going Out” Look

Happy Saturday, friends! It’s a rare moment that I’m sitting at my computer on a Saturday, but here we are.…
View PostVacation Packing Tips

I love to travel, but I hate to pack. What’s even worse than packing is unpacking. Although unfortunate, packing is a necessary task when it comes to traveling, and it’s pretty inevitable. But that doesn’t mean we can’t try and make it fun, right? Since I’m heading on a family beach vacation soon, I thought it’d be fun to share with y’all some of the tips I’ve learned over the past couple years. I’m definitely no expert, but here are some of the tips I’ve found to be helpful, especially with my heavy over-packer tendencies.
View PostSummer Reading List

For the past little while, I’ve been spending 30 minutes to an hour every night to myself, just reading in a corner of the apartment. It’s been so much fun, and I figured I would share some of my favorites with y’all in case you want to join along!
View PostA Flower for You

Happy Friday y’all! I hope you all had a wonderful week. It’s been a busy one around here! Last Friday,…
View PostThe LA Diaries: Vol. III

Whew! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? For those of you who have been following my blog for a few years now, you know how my mind works- every few months, I’ll go through a super creative phase, where I’m able to crank out my regular 3 posts a week, no problem. Then, I’ll go a few weeks (or even months) where absolutely zero inspiration strikes. I’ve been struggling the past few weeks to get back on here, but today I’m forcing myself to just sit down and write! I’ll be sharing with y’all a few learnings from the past few months living in Los Angeles.
View PostSwimsuits Under $30 You Need for Summer

Summer time is just around the corner- who’s excited?! I know I am. Even though the heat can be…
View PostBeach Bum

By the beach, near the see, what a wonderful place to be! Oh, what I would give to be back with the sand in my toes again, y’all. But for now, Texas will have to do. As all of you have seen on Instagram, I’ve spent the past week on the beaches in Mexico. Can I just be a beach bum forever? I think I’ve found my dream job.
View PostWeekend Uniform

You guys, can I just say… Old Navy has been KILLING THE GAME lately. I haven’t shopped there in forever,…
View PostClassic Combo with A Twist

So you guys know I’m all about basics in my wardrobe. I love investing in quality basics in my closet that I can wear a billion different ways! Today’s look is a different take on a classic outfit, a graphic tee with a denim jacket- I call it a classic combo with a twist!
View PostSpring in Full Swing

Even though the calendar says spring doesn’t arrive for another week, spring has most definitely sprung! And I’m not mad about it one bit. I just flew into Austin from San Francisco, and it seems the weather is beautiful everywhere! Spring fashion is in full swing, and today I’m sharing this adorable look that’s perfect for Easter, or any spring occasion.
View PostStyling a Neckerchief

The best way to spice up any outfit is with a neckerchief! I especially love a good printed neckerchief for spring, and I’m so excited to be bringing them back out this season. Today we’re talking all about how to style neckerchiefs, plus where to get the best ones!
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